第三届仿真设计与计算建模国际学术会议(SDCM 2024)
The 3rd International Conference on Simulation Design and Computational Modeling
2024年4月26-28日 (线上会议) 大会官网:www.icsdcm.org
会议简称 | 会议时间 | EI检索 | Scopus检索 | 说明 |
SDCM 2022 | 2022.5.27-29 | ![]() | ![]() | 与MMEAT 2022合并收录见刊。SDCM 2022文章均可在MMEAT查询到。在见刊后1个月左右检索。 |
SDCM 2023 | 2023.4.21-23 | 已检索 | 已检索 | SDCM 2023文章均已单独匹配出版社见刊检索,具体文章检索情况可咨询会议老师查询 |
经主办方商讨决定,第三届仿真设计与计算建模国际学术会议(SDCM 2024)将定于2024年4月26日下午线上举行。此次会议调整,不影响文章的发表以及见刊检索,请放心投稿!
收录检索:EI Compendex,Scopus
第三届仿真设计与计算建模国际会议(SDCM 2024)将于 4 月 26-28日在中国·重庆召开。第二届仿真设计与计算建模国际会议(SDCM 2023)已于 2023 年 4 月 21 日至 23 日在中国大连成功落幕。会议促进了国内外众多高校、科研院所和企业代表在机械工程、材料和自动化领域,特别是仿真设计和计算机建模细分领域的科研合作与交流。为继续加强世界各国仿真设计与计算建模学者之间的学术交流,分享研究经验,探讨合作机会,推动仿真设计与计算建模领域的科研发展,大会将继续面向基础与前沿、学科与产业,建立起前沿的学术交流平台,将汇聚国内外专家、学者和企业界优秀人才,紧密围绕着仿真设计与计算建模等前沿领域,探究学术界和产业界面临的机遇与挑战,以期推动相关研究与应用的发展,推进学科发展和促进人才培养。
在此我们诚挚的欢邀请仿真设计与计算建模方面的学者、工程师、学生等参加 SDCM 2024,分享最新研究成果!
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大会名誉主席 Prof. Marco Campi Fellow of IEEE, Fellow of IFAC University of Brescia, Italy | 大会主席 孔祥杰教授 IEEE高级会员、ACM会员 浙江工业大学 |
Prof. Juyang Weng IEEE Life Fellow Brain-Mind Institute and GENISAMA, USA | Prof. Juyang Weng is a former faculty member of Department of Computer Science and Engineering, faculty member of the Cognitive Science Program, and faculty member of the Neuroscience Program at Michigan State University, East Lansing. Since the work of Cresceptron (ICCV 1993) the first deep learning neural networks for 3D world without post-selection misconduct, he expanded his research interests in biologically inspired systems to developmental learning, including perception, cognition, behaviors, motivation, machine thinking, and conscious learning models. He has published over 300 research articles on related subjects, including task muddiness, intelligence metrics, brain-mind architectures, emergent Turing machines, autonomous programing for general purposes (APFGP), Post-Selection flaws in “deep learning”, vision, audition, touch, attention, detection, recognition, autonomous navigation, and natural language understanding. He published with T. S. Huang and N. Ahuja a research monograph titled Motion and Structure from Image Sequences. He authored a book titled Natural and Artificial Intelligence: Computational Introduction to Computational Brain-Mind. Dr. Weng is an Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Humanoid Robotics, the Editor-in-Chief of the Brain-Mind Magazine, and an associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development (now Cognitive and Developmental Systems). |
报告题目:The First Conscious Learning Algorithm Avoids "Deep Learning" Misconduct | |
孔祥杰教授 斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家 浙江工业大学,中国 | 浙江工业大学计算机科学与技术学院教授,浙江省杰出青年基金获得者,浙江工业大学运河青年学者,城市科学与社会计算实验室创始者兼主任。现为CCF杰出会员、IEEE高级会员、ACM会员、美国科学研究荣誉协会会员(Sigma Xi)。先后担任Wireless Communications and Computing、PeerJ Computer Science等国际SCI期刊的编委(Editor),以及Pervasive and Mobile Computing、IEEE Access、International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 等多个国际SCI期刊专刊的(首席)客座编委(Guest Editor)。主要研究兴趣包括城市计算、社会计算、知识管理等。在IEEE TKDE、IEEE TMC、ACM TKDD等国际期刊或会议发表/录用论文200多篇,其中170多篇为SCI检索论文。18篇论文入选ESI高被引论文(1%)(其中13篇为第一或通讯作者),5篇同时入选ESI 热点论文 (0.1%)。据Google Scholar显示,论文总引用次数7600余次,h因子为48(截至2023.10)。以第一作者获2020年IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology最佳论文奖(Best Land Transport)。两次排名第一获得辽宁省自然科学学术成果奖一等奖。连续入选斯坦福全球前2%顶尖科学家榜单-终身影响力排行榜和年度科学影响力排行榜。研究工作被Nature Index、科学网等媒体广泛报道。获授权发明专利20余项。主持完成多项国家级及省部级课题。 |
报告题目:Mobile Trajectory Generation and Anomaly Analytics: A Knowledge and Data Driven Perspective | |
Prof Gyu Myoung Lee IEEE Senior Member Liverpool John Moores University, UK and KAIST, Korea | Gyu Myoung Lee is a professor at the Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU), UK. He is also affiliated with KAIST, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea, as an Adjunct Professor since 2012. Before joining the LJMU in 2014, he worked at the Institut Mines-Telecom from 2008. Until 2012, he was invited to work at ETRI, Rep. of Korea. He worked as a research professor at KAIST, Rep. of Korea and as a guest researcher at NIST, USA, in 2007. His research interests include Internet of Things, digital twin, computational trust, blockchain with privacy preservation, data and AI governance, knowledge centric networking and services considering all vertical services, Smart Grid, energy saving networks, cloud-based big data analytics platform and multimedia networking and services. He has contributed more than 500 proposals for standards and published more than 200 papers in academic journals and conferences. He received several Best Paper Awards in international and domestic conferences and served as a reviewer of IEEE journals/conference papers and an organizer/member of committee of international conferences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE. |
汇报题目:Computational Trust: Trustworthy Decentralized Data Ecosystems | |
Prof. Pascal Lorenz IARIA fellow、IEEE Senior Member University of Haute-Alsace, France | Pascal Lorenz's research interests include QoS, wireless networks and high-speed networks. He is the author/co-author of 3 books, 3 patents and 200 international publications in refereed journals and conferences. He was Technical Editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine Editorial Board, IEEE Networks Magazine, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Chair of IEEE ComSoc France, Financial chair of IEEE France, Chair of Vertical Issues in Communication Systems Technical Committee Cluster, Chair of the Communications Systems Integration and Modeling Technical Committee, Chair of the Communications Software Technical Committee and Chair of the Technical Committee on Information Infrastructure and Networking, Chair of IEEE/ComSoc Satellite and Space Communications Technical, IEEE R8 Finance Committee, IEEE R8 Conference Coordination Committee (2023). He is associate Editor for International Journal of Communication Systems (IJCS-Wiley), Journal on Security and Communication Networks (SCN-Wiley) and International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking, Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA-Elsevier). He is senior member of the IEEE, IARIA fellow and member of many international program committees. He was IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer Tour during 2013-2014. |
汇报题目:Advanced Architectures of Next Generation Wireless Networks |
并行和分布式计算仿真 | 建模与仿真方法 | 视觉与可视化技术 | 电力系统仿真 |
人工智能仿真技术 | 仿真算法与优化 | 高性能计算与仿真 | 可视化与建模中的感知问题 |
工业仿真建模 | 过程工程建模 | 设备仿真与建模 | 仿真与建模中的数学与数值方法 |
普适计算与仿真 | 离散与数值模拟 | 复杂系统建模与仿真 | 基于物理的建模与仿真 |
机器人系统仿真 | 材料工程仿真 | 仿真与控制 | 实时建模与仿真 |
混 沌系统建模 | 分析与控制 | 动态建模与仿真 | 基于网络的仿真 |
本会议投稿经过2-3位组委会专家严格审核之后,最终所录用的论文将于会后由编辑进行最终复审,分别根据文章质量匹配递交至SPIE出版社进行收录出版,出版后提交EI Compendex, Scopus检索。
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13:30-17:30 线上汇报(主题演讲+口头报告+合影留念+海报展示)